If you've already created a personal blog, you can choose whether to make it publicly or privately accessible. If you make it publicly accessible, you can allow anyone to view it or restrict access to anyone who logs in. If you make it privately accessible, you can choose specific users or groups who are allowed to view it.
You can restrict who is allowed to add comments: anyone, authenticated users (anyone with an account on the server), or no one. You can also enable comment moderation for all comments or for anonymous comments. If comment moderation is enabled, unmoderated comments aren't shown unless you approve the comments.
To view blog access settings:
While viewing My Page, click "settings."
Select Blog Access.
To make your blog publicly accessible:
While viewing blog access settings, select "This blog can be read by anyone."
If you want to restrict access to only those with accounts on the server, select "Users must log in to read."
Click Save.
To make your blog privately accessible:
While viewing blog access settings, select "This blog can only be read by the following people and groups."
For every person or group who you want to view your blog, enter their name in the field.
While you're entering a name, the server checks for matching people or groups. If a match is found, select the match from the menu that appears. If no match is found, make sure you entered the name of the person or group correctly.
If you want to remove someone from the access list, hold the cursor over the name of the person or group and click Delete (X).
Click Save.
To enable comments:
While viewing blog access settings, choose who is allowed to add comments in the Comment pop-up menu.
Click Save.
To enable comment moderation:
While viewing blog access settings, choose which type of comments should be moderated in the Comment Moderation pop-up menu.
Click Save.